Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Another use for a Mason Jar

Here you see my current use for a Mason Jar.  This one was holding pickles a few days ago.  (It was our second attempt with pickles.  They were much better than the first, but still not that great.  Good thing the kids' undeveloped taste buds can't tell the difference.)  So I washed the jar and it is now being used to soak two spoon blanks. 
This is the idea - Now that Laughter is attempting to make real eating spoons, I figured I would try it too.  I mean, if he can make them, I can probably make them better.  So I cut some blanks from maple and I am going to soak them for several days.  Hopefully the wood is then "green" enough so that I can then carve the bowls with a spoon knife instead of banging them out with a gouge.  And I hope to be able to carve the handles more easily than I do now.
I will let you know how that goes.  While that soaks, I have plenty of other spoons and spatulas to finish.

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